Course description

On this page you will find detailed course description and learning objectives for each module. Dates, pricing and how to apply can all be found here too. 

Module 1 – Let’s Talk about Learning (Baby)

In module one Sam will be guiding students to experience the foundational elements of interactive erotic education. Through identifying and working with their own erotic edges, students will step through the process of developing a learning objective, educational contract, performing a practice piece and reflecting on their learning. They will engage in a series of somatic inquiries with themselves, with other members of the group and with volunteers that will support their capacity to co-create client-led sessions while looking after their own and their clients’ limits and boundaries. 

Students will be invited to experience and practice:

  • Clarifying intentions to find a learning objective
    • Elicitation through curiosity and active listening
  • Working through the prism of somatic inquiry
  • Noticing, trusting and valuing information gleaned through embodied presence 
  • Consent as a dynamic process
    • Betty Martin’s “The Wheel of Consent”
    • The wheel within the wheel
  • Draw from their practitioner superpowers to make education sexy and make sex educational
  • Making room for reflective processes

This will be delivered through 4 classes with at home practices with classmates and volunteers 

  1. Who is it for?
  2. Let’s talk about learning, baby
  3. How do we do it?
  4. What have we learned?

Module 2 – Heart-Centered Co-Regulation

In this module Lorraine will help to learn how to finely tune your sixth sense into what your client is experiencing and create flow and ease, even the most challenging of clients. You’ll learn how to make each session nourishing for your client and sustainable for yourself.

Students will:

  • Learn how to identify what state your client’s nervous system is in and how to work with them if they’re feeling anxious or depressed (Window of tolerance and Grounding). 
  • Learn how to prevent transgressions in session and how to work when your body doesn’t want to be touched.
  • Learn about the neurobiology of connection and how we co-create the experience with the client. 
  • Learn how to combine embodiment, arousal, boundaries and two way touch through lap dancing techniques.

This will be achieved with 4 classes and home exercises with volunteers:

  1. Window of tolerance and Grounding
  2. Dissociation and the heart
  3. Coregulation and nervous system responses
  4. Managing boundaries when the nervous system shifts

Module 3 – Knowing Ourselves

In module three Anthony will ask us to examine ourselves as practitioners and what we bring into the space when working with those accessing our services. This module will require students to engage in a series of somatic inquiries with themselves, with other members of the group, while also examining their beliefs and worldviews in order to develop a practice framework.

Students will be invited to learn and develop:

  • An understanding of the concept of ‘self’ and values.
  • Applying the concepts of self and values to therapeutic sex work.
  • Knowledge on the concept of ethics. 
  • Engaging in discussion on current debates on ethical sex work and how this relates to work as a two way touch practitioner. 
  • Proficiency in practitioner Codes Of Ethics and what this means for practice.
  • Noticing, trusting and valuing information gleaned through embodied presence 
  • Knowledge of the concepts of Attraction and Attachment
  • Applying these concepts to the two way touch space and working through an ethical practice framework. 
  • Understanding Accreditation as a practitioner, including case notes, supervision and case conceptualisation. 
  • Examining planning two way touch practice as a business.

These will be delivered through 4 classes with at home reflection on the topics of:

  1. Understanding ‘self’
  2. Sex-ethics!
  3. Attraction and Attachment
  4. Bringing the Pro to Professional

Module 4 – Working with Sexual Issues and Concerns

In this module, Uma will be exploring somatic ways for working with a variety of sexual issues and concerns clients present. Two-way touch practitioners provide a unique opportunity for their clients in practicing skills and micro skills in a safe, consensual, and supportive environment. Practitioners support their client in gaining experience and building confidence, this empowers them to have better relationships and sexual interactions out in the world. Creating this supportive environment is especially important for overcoming sexual issues and concerns, as clients often experience shame, lack of acceptance, confusion, and fear, not only internally but also by the people they interact or want to interact with.

In this module we will be focusing on four issues that are relevant for people of all sex and gender presentations and one that is exclusive for people with penises, through classes that are 60-90 minutes long, with research tasks and home practices will be scheduled before and after each class with students posting their reflections on the forum.

  1.     Working with Anxiety
  2.     Working with Pain – chronic pain and pelvic pain
  3.     Working with Body Image Issues
  4.     Working with Delayed Orgasm
  5.     Working with Erectile Difficulty (an optional class)

Note that if participants do not work with people with penises they will not be required to complete this class to certify, all other classes are relevant regardless of gender. 

Module 5 – Uncertainty, bring it on!

Interactive Erotic Education is highly skilled work that is both challenging and rewarding. This module expands upon the foundations of embodied practice, acknowledges that working with sexuality is deeply personal, and provides space to reflect upon the skills we each already have and the skills we need to hone to support ourselves and our clients as we each experience transformation and change together.

Students will:

  • Explore the paradox of ‘lasting change’.
  • Use Strozi-Heckler’s ‘Somatic Coaching’ as a framework for transformation.
  • Consider how storytelling can aid connection and integration
  • Peer into the existential enigma of certainty vs uncertainty, and find ways to support themselves and their clients to accept themselves. 
  • Develop skills to return to curiosity when obstacles (e.g. shame) arise. 
  • Explore what it means to ‘embody change’ / ‘integrate change’.

There will be some preparatory reading (provided) and small tasks and practices in between classes. Students will share their experiences in the forum. There are two classes per week in this module, which are 120 minutes long plus a break in the middle of class. The topics are:

  1. Lasting Change
  2. Deep Acceptance
  3. Coming back to Curiosity
  4. Community & Sustainability


The training for Interactive Erotic Education is 10 weeks running from 1st October to 9th December 2024.

Classes will run each Thursday and Monday at 5pm AEST. Some modules have additional classes but changes to this schedule will be kept to minimal. 

Course Requirements

Each module runs for two weeks, includes 10 hours of group teaching (via Zoom), with approximately 10 hours additional home study which is solo, with peers, or with volunteers.

Your attendance at these classes is vital and only an occasional absence will be acceptable to be eligible for certification.

You will be required to fulfil the additional home study across the week in between classes.


The fee for the course is $2500 AUD including GST.

If you awarded with a place, a $250 deposit secures your place on the course.

The remaining fee is due 1st September 2024.

Scholarships are assessed on a case-by-case basis and may be available to male, trans, LGBTQI+, BIPOC, and disabled sex workers. Please express interest using the contact page, and mention that you wish to be considered for a scholarship.

We may also be able to support you in applying for other grants via your local sex worker orgs (for example).

No payment plans are available.

Full refund is available up to 2 weeks before course commencement (17th September 2024), less $250 AUD non-refundable administration fee.

Application process

Expression of interest is via the contact form

We will send you a .pdf Course Description and a Confidential Application Form to fill.

Participants will be invited to interview with one or more of the teaching staff.

Places offered every two weeks and within two weeks of your interview. Full payments secures your space on the training.